The Itty Bitty Bath Company

Meet Fran Chiupka. Born and raised in the Robson Valley, McBride to be more specific. She’s been married to a “home grown fella” for 17 years.

Together with her husband, Kevin there are raising their daughter and says they are very lucky to have the calibre of teachers that they do. “The teachers care about the kids, and it shows. Unfortunately with fewer kids every year, it means fewer learning opportunities.”

Before starting the Itty Bitty Bath Company Fran worked at the local financial institution, in 2016 due to down sizing Fran found herself no longer employed. Living up to her “frantastic” entrepreneurial spirit IBBC was revived. Along with a wide selection of earth, and animal friendly products Fran also has a line a very clever greeting cards for just about every occasion. You can find Itty Bitty Bath Company on Face Book and order online. When asked about what direction she would like to see her hometown take she says” I would like see businesses that would offer opportunities for employment that would encourage people to work and stay in the Valley”

When Fran needs a break from creating her IBBC products you can find her camera in hand capturing beautiful images of what this area has to offer.