Align Massage Therapy

Meet Kathryn Smith. Raised in the Robson Valley Region she like many, went away and discovered that her heart belongs to this Valley. Kathryn and her husband Jarrod also from the Valley love the quiet pace, natural beauty and easy access to the great outdoor recreation.

“After moving back I recognized the unique opportunities available in a small town. I wanted to create a viable job for myself in order to stay in the Valley.” In 2015 Kathryn received her RMT diploma and shortly thereafter opened Align Massage Therapy.

“Living in a rural area has its unique set of challenges. (access to services, extreme weather, and isolation) and I find it interesting how people have adapted and thrived here despite those challenges.”

“The entrepreneurial and adventurous spirit is alive and well in the Valley and is inspiring to see. Growth is happening in the region and our concept of tourism and recreation is changing. We want to offer more reasons for people to visit and move to the area, but with an understanding that development needs to be accomplished with care and minimal impact on our natural environment.”

When Kathryn isn’t busy with work, she can be found hiking, paddle boarding, skiing, and on rainy days making artisan soap.