There is a good inventory of available rural and agricultural land in north central British Columbia providing an opportunity for significant growth in this sector. Virgin land suitable for organic farming is plentiful and water is abundant. The Robson Valley is known for the amount of sunshine it receives during the long days of summer, and the fertile soil is ideal for short season crops. Currently, farmers are having great success with root vegetables, cabbage, kale, and garlic. Local growers sell garlic by the pound and produce enough to supply larger regional markets and large green houses are currently used in some farming operations. Opportunities for an agri-tourism venture are well worth considering.
Hay fields are abundant in the valley and there is an active range tenure program. There is community pasture land northwest of McBride. While current tenures are primarily for cattle, grazing has also been made available for sheep and horses. Lamb is sold locally, and a sheep farm is located along the Fraser River near Dunster.